vision: The 4 E’s

Fulfilling the Great Commission by bringing the gospel of Jesus Christ to those that are lost, the backslider, or anyone who has turned their hearts away from God.
Educating the entire family based on the Word of God. Believing that learning never ceases.
Equipping people to defeat generational poverty, bondage, and curses. For people to know that God has already provided everything they need and know that there is more to life than just existing.
Encouraging people to become self sufficient and successful by using their God given gifts and talents. To understand God gave believers His power and wisdom to be wealthy in all areas of their life.

Faith Assembly Christian Center Founders

Dr. LeRoy McKenzie III founded Faith Assembly Christian Center in Durham, North Carolina in 1993. He was married to Pastor Mary McKenzie for 38 years before departing this earth on October 11, 2012. They have three beautiful children: Reeshemah, Rico, and Mario, and seven wonderful grandchildren: Javon, Jordan, Ta Niya, Ja Torri, Ja Khai, James Jr. and Malkiel.
Starting from scratch with the support of his wife, three children and seven grandchildren, he built his ministry to include 16 non-denominational churches in the southeast over the past 19 years.
The Vision of Faith Assembly Christian Center is Changing A Generation, One Person At A Time, which is carried out through the 4 E s. The 4 E s are: Education, Empowerment, Evangelism, and Entrepreneurship. Lives are being changed and souls are being set free and delivered. Bishop McKenzie has birthed eight churches throughout the southeastern United States. He also provides leadership training for church leaders and business professionals using divine principles at the Annual Leadership and Church Development Conference.
Dr. McKenzie held a number of degrees and honors, which exemplify his true leadership in the Body of Christ. He was a soldier in the army of the Lord who loved to see God’s people prosper. Dr. McKenzie was a man after God’s own heart who walks by faith and not by sight.
He joined with the Chaplain at Polk Correctional Institution to restore the lives of youth and taught a class at Polk twice each month helping to revitalize the lives of boys ages 16 through 19 years of age. Last but not least Dr. McKenzie is the author of six inspiring books: Pastor I Need Answers, Godly Principles For Divine Leadership, Destiny With A Purpose, Living Under An Open Heaven, What To Do In The Time Of A Crisis, and The 21st Century Family. Dr. McKenzie’s newest project is training millionaires to be successful entrepreneurs.
Apostle Mary D. McKenzie co-founded Faith Assembly Christian Center in Durham, North Carolina in 1993. She
was ordained as a minister of the gospel in July 1995. Eight years later she was promoted to Pastor of FACC. In July 2014, she was ordained as Apostle of Faith Assembly Christian Center -The New Church. Apostle McKenzie co-founded Faith Assembly Christian Child Care Center in 1996 and the Academy in1998.
Apostle McKenzie was the senior pastor of FACC-The New Church from October 2012 – March 2023. She was an apostle, pastor, teacher, prophetess, evangelist, author, inspirational and motivational speaker. She was known for her prolific Bible teaching that transcended generations, socioeconomic and denominational lines. Her deliverance and prophetic ministry touched and changed the lives of thousands of men and women. She was a servant at heart and remained passionate about building the saints for the Kingdom of God. Apostle McKenzie advocated that prayer and intercession can change the world and any situation.

Apostle McKenzie received multiple degrees from Safe Haven Interdenominational Bible College and Training Institute in Zebulon, NC including a Master of Biblical Studies, Master of Deliverance Ministry, and Master of Pastor and Leadership Ministry. She was also a certified Pastoral Trainer for the Global Proclamation Congress located in Bangkok,Thailand.

Apostle McKenzie is the author of: Words of Worship, Clean Heart Right Spirit, Prayer Changed My Life, Journey to A Championship and Family Make Over. She hosted conferences annually to edify, strengthen, and to build women, men, church leaders, and youth in the body of Christ.